Privacy Policy 

Boring, but a must

Violin Image

Rising Strings Academy presents to you its Personal Data Protection Policy, which informs you about the way your personal data is processed and what rights you have.

Browsing Rising Strings Academy website does not necessarily mean collecting your personal data. Rising Strings Academy provides via its website adequate contact forms for our team if you wish to contact us. By filling out the form (contact form) you give us your personal data that we will process for contact and dialogue with anyone who has requested this by filling in the contact form on our site.

In this regard, Rising Strings Academy has adopted several security measures to ensure the protection of personal data provided via our website against their dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized processing or access or other means of unlawful processing of personal data.
Controller of personal data

Rising Strings Academy is a company by TEMPSU.MOTU Ltd.

TEMPUS.MOTU Ltd. 4003 Plodiv, Bilgaria.


“Personal data” means any information related to an identified or identifiable person; an identifiable natural person is one whocan be identified directly or indirectly by reference to an identifier such as name, identification number, location data, online identifier, or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of an individual.

On our site we collect only personal data that is deemed necessary for the contact that Rising Strings Academy wants to keep with you, i.e. name, e-mail address, or phone number. As far as job applications are concerned, we will only collect your CV if you send it to us.


Your personal data can be collected:

When subscribing to Rising Strings Academy Bulletin, by e-mail or via our website; When you fill in the “Write us” form on our website; When you fill in the “Registration form” or participate in one of Rising Strings Academy events; When you submit an offer to collaborate with Rising Strings Academy via e-mail or on our website ; PRINCIPLE AND OBJECTIVES FOR PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA The legal basis for the processing of personal data by Rising Strings Academy is as follows:

Consent: Your personal data may be processed through free, specific, informed and unambiguous instructions to your data subject, by which he or she, through a statement or through clear positive action, means consent to the processing of personal data relating to him or her, by Rising Strings Academy. We will ask your consent when we want to send you our newsletter, to invite you to the events organized by or with Rising Strings Academy, and in case of communications related to Rising Strings Academy activities. As far as the recruitment processes are concerned, we will ask for your consent to keep your personal data to be able to review it for future applications.

Legal interests: Your personal data may be necessary to perform certain activities of Rising Strings Academy, namely recruitment processes.

In the scope of the provision of services: Your personal data will be processed when absolutely necessary for the provision of advice and assistance agreed upon by you.


Rising Strings Academy will only keep your personal data during the period strictly necessary for the purpose for which it has been collected.

Rising Strings Academy will keep your personal data (name, address, e-mail, and telephone number) to inform you about our events and send you invitations as well as newsletter and/or other information publications for the period provided for in the relevant regulations. We will not share your personal data with third parties by guaranteeing your legitimate rights, including the right of access, the right of rectification, and we will oppose the processing of your personal data for commercial and direct marketing purposes. Once the specified maximum deadline has passed, your personal data will be anonymized in an irreversible manner so that it can be stored by Rising Strings Academy or be safely destroyed.


Rising Strings Academy guarantees that it will only transmit your personal data when it deems necessary for the purposes described above, namely to send information about events, newsletters, or other authorized messages.
Companies providing services to Rising Strings Academy, in particular the companies responsible for sending the newsletters and communications described above, are subject to contractual terms and conditions of the same terms and conditions of processing of personal data. These subjects are responsible for the implementation of adequate security measures as enshrined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Rising Strings Academy guarantees that it will only negotiate with service providers and other processors who demonstrate that they are in compliance with the General Regulation.


Personal data subjects have the right to request from Rising Strings Academy access to their personal data as well as the correction, erasure, rectification, or processing of their personal data, the right of objection, the right to data portability and the right to withdraw their consent at any time without to compromise the lawfulness of the process made by the given prior consent. Personal data subjects are also entitled to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority CPDP with address: Sofia 1592, „Profesor Tsvetan Lazarov” № 2 ( or the right of legal action against the supervisory authority or administrator.


The content of this website, including trademarks, designs, logos, texts, images, audio and video materials, is owned by Rising Strings Academy, unless otherwise indicated by reference to the source of the content. Such content is protected under general legal terms and international and national intellectual property protection legislation. It is not permitted to display, reproduce, distribute, modify, transmit or use the content of this website in any way for any public or commercial purpose without the express prior written consent of Rising Strings Academy. However, the user may print any part of the material on the website provided that it is not altered in any way if it is used for personal and non-commercial purposes and until the property statement has not been removed.


Cookies are small files with numbers and letters stored in the user’s browser when you visit this website.
This information is used to make the service provided to the user more personalized, which allows improving the performance of the navigation experience by increasing, on the one hand, the speed, and efficiency of how the website is responsible and on the other hand, the need for multiple input of the same information. Cookies help the website recognize the device the next time the user accesses it.

Rising Strings Academy website uses the following “cookies”:

Category Necessary

PHPSESSID Purpose of the cookie: preserves the session state when loading different pages
Category Statistics


Purpose of the cookie: tracking code of Google Analytics, which records details for the user’s browser and computer


Purpose of the cookie: collects data of the user, including the first and last login. It’s used by Google Analytics.


Purpose of the cookie: registers the exact time of login on the website. Used by Google Analytics for calculating the duration of login.


Purpose of the cookie: registers the exact time of login on the website. Used by Google Analytics for calculating the duration of login.

Purpose of the cookie: used for regulating the speed of server.


Purpose of the cookie: collects data where the user comes from, what tracking mechanism is used, what connection brought the user to this website and what key word was used. Used by Google Analytics.

Category Marketing


Purpose of the cookie: registers a unique identification number, which identifies the device of the returning user. The ID is used for targeted commercials. You can remove the “cookies”, which are saved on your personal computer, by using the browser’s settings. Other opportunity to control some third party “cookies” is by using the platform to improve privacy, e.g. or For more information about the “cookies” visit

Links to other websites

Links on the Rising Strings Academy website may lead to other websites. Rising Strings Academy is not responsible, does not endorse, or in any way, does not support or subscribe to the content in it or its affiliated websites.
We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy of each of these websites.


Rising Strings Academy has adopted adequate technical and organizational procedures to avoid security breaches, unauthorized access to personal data, destruction or illegal use.

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